It’s great to see press coverage for our LIMS product. Over the past year or so, we chose to invest some of our software development expertise to refine our proven Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), extending the feature set that we observed was needed by laboratories.
Among the improvements we identified was a need to better handle outreach operations beyond the immediate lab environment; things like the ability to include and manage external consultants more effectively, bearing in mind the way that many of these individuals work. Consultants, who are typically the last link in the chain of action for laboratory test information, often run their private practices outside of conventional ‘office’ hours. It is consultants who provide a diagnosis and recommend treatment, so their inclusion in the information process is paramount.
We announced this and other key enhancements made to the LIMS package to the media and our news has been well received. It’s great to see press coverage appearing in leading industry publications, including Pathology in Practice.