Risk Management

A system that supports Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) philosophies by giving users the means to log and report risk factors on-site or across multiple sites.

The Infonote Risk Management software is a connected, flexible traceability and site management tool. Effective for:

  • Use by a single business on single sites
  • Use across multiple sites by a single business
  • Deployed across multiple sites by contracting companies

In all applications, it allows users to track, assess and monitor risks, for instance with fire alarm, extinguisher and sprinkler system checks, H&S resources and adherence, etc.


With its built-in cloud connectivity, the system allows people on-site to manage planned risk inspections and investigations in a structured way using their smartphones

  • As part of a due diligence process
  • To report unexpected or ad-hoc issues encountered

Recent examples of the latter include observations of broken ladders, a gate off its hinges, refrigeration equipment unplugged in error, etc.

With Health & Safety obligations at work, everyone has a responsibility. The Infonote Risk Management system is a fast and effective reporting tool designed for everybody.